
Inquiry stalls: Swiss police unable to find 800 kilo steel ball filled with gin

Inquiry stalls: Swiss police unable to find 800 kilo steel ball filled with gin

The mystery of how a huge 800-kilogram steel ball filled with gin was stolen from the bottom of Lake Constance remains unsolved, as cantonal police in Thurgau announce they have stopped the investigation. The reason? A lack of any new information. 

Gin ball stolen from Lake Constance contained 230 litres of gin

The ball, which was stolen from the bottom of the lake in December, contained 230 litres of "lake-infused" gin and was the property of Swiss gin firm Ginial. In December, the firm was forced to issue a statement apologising to its customers, after the gin that they had ordered and paid for could no longer be delivered because it had been stolen. 

Despite the firm’s distress after losing the ball, some on the internet were not convinced of their innocence. Shortly after the news of the missing gin ball broke, a number of commenters flocked to the internet to question whether the missing ball was a PR stunt rather than a crime, while others remained convinced that the theft was merely a prank. Some are also adamant that the theft was a deliberate act of sabotage - though to Ginial it is simple: it was theft. 

Gin firm considering offering a reward for gin ball’s return

For now, the Swiss police remain stumped as to the location of the huge steel ball. "Our hands are tied," Michael Roth, media spokesman for the Thurgau canton police told the St. Galler Tagblatt

The owners of the ball are not giving up yet though. According to the newspaper, Ginial is considering offering a “finder’s fee” or reward for any information that could lead to the ball being returned to its rightful owners.

Image: / Michael Derrer Fuchs



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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