
Large rise in COVID cases in Switzerland: Why isn’t the government fazed?

Large rise in COVID cases in Switzerland: Why isn’t the government fazed?

The Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has recorded a steep increase in the number of new COVID infections in Switzerland. However, the government remains unfazed by the high numbers, as the situation in Swiss hospitals remains stable.

Significant COVID case rises in Switzerland

The seven-day average of COVID cases in Switzerland has risen by 47 percent in the last week alone, up to 23.100 confirmed cases a day. According to Swissinfo, more than one in two COVID tests are currently showing up positive, which experts say is proof that non-recorded infections are much higher than the official total.

With 33.750 people testing positive for COVID on March 8 alone, it begs the question as to why, unlike previous waves, Switzerland continues to not impose COVID restrictions and instead stick to the plan which scrapped the majority of COVID rules in February.

Swiss government confirms timetable to scrap remaining restrictions

The FOPH has confirmed that, despite the rise in cases, pressure on Swiss healthcare remains stable. An average of 146 people are being admitted to hospitals with COVID every 24 hours, significantly lower than the numbers seen in previous COVID waves. 

“These infections contribute to building our immunity,” said Didier Pittet, head of the infection prevention service at the university hospital in Geneva. He noted that the current rise in cases is not a surprise and that the heightened caseload will leave us “better armed,” should a more serious variant emerge. 

Health Minister Alain Berset, who himself tested positive for COVID this week, said that the rise in cases was expected, and that there was no cause for alarm. He confirmed that the mask mandate on public transport and the required five-day isolation period for those who test positive for COVID will both be scrapped on schedule at the end of March.

Jan de Boer


Jan de Boer

Editor for Switzerland at IamExpat Media. Jan studied History at the University of York and Broadcast Journalism at the University of Sheffield. Though born in York, Jan has lived most...

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