
Zurich doctors to prescribe gardening and dance classes in future

Zurich doctors to prescribe gardening and dance classes in future

Doctors and GPs in Zurich will soon be able to prescribe patients anything from dance classes to gardening, under new plans approved by the Municipal Council. The local council will trial these “social prescriptions”, with the aim of improving healthcare in the city.

Social prescriptions to be introduced in Zurich

By 84 votes to 34, the municipal council of Zurich voted in favour of introducing “social prescriptions” in the local healthcare system. The city will spend 2,5 million francs on the project, which will last for four years and launch fully in February 2025.

Social prescriptions were first introduced in the United Kingdom in the 1990s and are designed to treat people in cases where further treatment in hospital would not be beneficial, or if their condition could lead to social isolation. The ultimate goal of the programme is to “promote well-being and health by helping patients to gain more control over their health and also to meet their social needs,” the Zurich proposal read.

The types of activities prescribed under the programme are diverse. The proposal suggested activities designed to help people better integrate into their communities such as German language courses, community meetings and sports, alongside programmes such as dance classes and gardening. What’s more, once referred, all the programmes would be covered under basic health insurance.

Social healthcare designed to take pressure off Swiss doctors

In the proposal, supporters argue that people’s healthcare needs are becoming increasingly complex, especially when it comes to chronic and mental conditions. They noted that the social aspect of healthcare is not being adequately addressed in the current system, despite being of great importance for both life expectancy and overall well-being.

By creating a social system of healthcare, officials hope that it will relieve pressure on doctors and frontline services.

Where will social prescriptions be offered in Zurich?

From February, patients will be able to access social prescriptions at four separate hospitals and clinics: the Memory Clinic in Waid, the Rheumatological outpatient clinic in Waid and Triemli, the Long COVID consultation centre in Waid and the Institute of Dermatology and Venereology in Europaalle. Possible participants will have their cases referred to so-called “link workers” who will then set them up with activities suited to their needs.

Jan de Boer


Jan de Boer

Editor for Switzerland at IamExpat Media. Jan studied History at the University of York and Broadcast Journalism at the University of Sheffield. Though born in York, Jan has lived most...

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