
Households in Geneva to get reimbursement on energy bills

Households in Geneva to get reimbursement on energy bills

In a statement, the water and energy provider for Geneva has confirmed that it will be spending 27 million francs on reimbursing its customers. Services Industriels de Genève (SIG) had mistakenly overcharged its customers for 13 years before realising its mistake.

SIG had accidentally overcharged customers for 13 years

The company noted that between 2008 and 2021, it had accidentally overcharged its customers for electricity. According to an investigation and audit from the Court of Auditors in Geneva, the company had charged households 22 million francs too much for power.

Following an internal investigation, SIG noted that while there was no serious misconduct, or a desire to hide information or deceive customers, communication, procedural and work errors were responsible for the overcharging. They concluded that the method they used to charge for power had been wrong for 13 years.

Now, SIG confirmed that it would be paying the 22 million francs back to customers, along with 5 million francs in interest. This amount will be taken off customers' next bill and based on their energy consumption in 2023. 

How much will households in Geneva be refunded?

For those who consume between zero and 10.000-kilowatt hours of energy a year - the majority of houses and apartments in Geneva - they will receive 28 francs off their next bill. This increases to 188 francs for annual consumption of between 10.001 and 20.000 kWh (roughly the same power used by a hairdresser), 327 francs for between 20.001 and 30.000 kWh (a garage) and 804 francs for consumption above 30.001 kWh (a large bakery).

In the statement, SIG said that they had already taken “corrective measures…notably in the electricity tariff development committee, and others will be taken in the near future.” They concluded by promising to fully inform their customers of the results of their other internal investigations and will “continue its public service mission by providing essential services to the people of Geneva on a daily basis.”

Jan de Boer


Jan de Boer

Editor for Switzerland at IamExpat Media. Jan studied History at the University of York and Broadcast Journalism at the University of Sheffield. Though born in York, Jan has lived most...

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