
Zurich district left without hot water and heat following construction incident

Zurich district left without hot water and heat following construction incident

Up to 21.000 people in Zurich have been left without hot water following a major incident at a local construction site. Residents of the Höngg district in Kreis 10 have been told to prepare for four days of cold showers.

No hot water available in the Höngg district of Zurich

According to a statement from the local council, the entire district of Höngg has been left without hot water since Thursday thanks to a "major incident" caused by work on a relief water canal under the Winzerhalde road. "During construction work on Wednesday, a district heating main line was damaged by a drilling rig. Bridging and restoration measures are underway at full speed," they explained.

While the number of people affected by the incident remains unknown, officials explained that all houses and apartments “connected to the Höngg energy network are cut off from the heat supply…They are currently unable to heat and have no hot water.” This means that up to 21.000 people could be affected.

Residents will endure cold showers for the whole weekend

In what will be bad news for the residents of Höngg, authorities explained that while repairs are already being made, the “heat supply will not be guaranteed again until Monday, June 24, 2024, at the earliest.” Until then, residents will have to endure lukewarm showers and chilly apartments.

To stay abreast of the latest developments, check out the official website.

Jan de Boer


Jan de Boer

Editor for Switzerland at IamExpat Media. Jan studied History at the University of York and Broadcast Journalism at the University of Sheffield. Though born in York, Jan has lived most...

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