
Baby in Switzerland born at 2.02am on 22/02/2022

Baby in Switzerland born at 2.02am on 22/02/2022

A baby in Basel chose a unique and special time of year to come into the world, being born at 2.02 am on February 22, 2022, also known as 2.02 22/02/2022, a palindrome date. The child is doing well and is now back at home with her family.

Little baby girl born in Basel hospital

Little baby Alynna was born in a Basel hospital in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The girl’s father said that it was something “very special” to be born on such a unique date at such a unique time.

“The due date was February 20,” Alynna's dad said. "But she just didn't want to come." After getting contractions on the morning of February 22, Alynna's mother was rushed to hospital at 1.30am before giving birth at 2.02am, in what the father described as a “jiffy.”

Palindrome baby now safely at home

“I think it's an extreme coincidence. That she was there on the minute," the father said. The baby weighed 3.460 grams and was 51 centimetres tall. 

It is the couple’s second pregnancy, with little Alynna joining her one and a half-year-old sister. The so-called “palindrome baby” is now at home, with the father saying that they are very happy and that both the mother and little Alynna were doing well.

Jan de Boer


Jan de Boer

Editor for Switzerland at IamExpat Media. Jan studied History at the University of York and Broadcast Journalism at the University of Sheffield. Though born in York, Jan has lived most...

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