
Perseids meteor shower to sparkle over Switzerland this week

Perseids meteor shower to sparkle over Switzerland this week

One of the biggest stargazing events of the year, the Perseids meteor shower, is expected to be visible over Switzerland by the end of this week, and conditions look just right for there to be a spectacular show! 

Perseids meteor shower to peak on August 12, 2024

The Perseids, probably the best-known and most spectacular stream of shooting stars of the year, will be visible over Switzerland and the rest of the northern hemisphere between August 9 and 13. 

The peak of the shower will land on the night between August 12 and August 13, when up to 100 shooting stars will be visible per hour! Luckily, there will be almost no moonlight this night, meaning the sky will be nice and dark and create perfect conditions for spotting shooting stars. The best time to go stargazing will be sometime between 11pm and 4am. 

The Perseids originate from the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. Between July and August each year, Earth crosses the dust trail of this comet as it makes its orbit around the sun. When dust particles from the comet hit the Earth’s atmosphere at high speed, it burns up and creates the shower of light that we see. Travelling at around 60 kilometres per second, the Perseids are among the faster shooting stars. 

Get the best view of the Perseids this August

To get the best view of the Perseids, you’ll want to find a spot with a good view of the sky and little light pollution (that might mean heading out of the city) - and pray that the weather plays along and gives us little cloud cover. 

Get comfortable, give your eyes time to adjust to the dark and then focus your attention on the area of sky that is darkest (usually straight above you).

Abi Carter


Abi Carter

Managing Editor at IamExpat Media. Abi studied German and History at the University of Manchester and has since lived in Berlin, Hamburg and Utrecht, working since 2017 as a writer,...

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