
Samichlaus to use WhatsApp to respond to children in Switzerland

Samichlaus to use WhatsApp to respond to children in Switzerland

From December 4 to 7, children and families in Switzerland will be given a chance to contact the big man in the red hat and his besmirched colleague using a thoroughly modern method. Between Monday and Thursday, anyone with a mobile phone or landline will be able to call Santa Claus (Samichlaus), with Father Christmas also reachable via WhatsApp for the first time.

Santa Claus will just be one call away!

If you don't feel like writing a letter or attending a Christmas market, the Saint Nicholas Society of Zurich has quite a unique way for you or your children to get in touch with Santa: the “Christmas hotline” means Samichlaus is only one call away!

By calling 0800 245 287 between 5pm and 8pm on December 4, 5, 6 and 7, children can have a five-minute call with Santa, his sidekick Schmutzli or one of his helpers - however, bear in mind that all the calls will likely be in German, unless you get lucky. On the call, children are given the chance to have a chat about what they’ll like for the holidays, whether they’ve been good enough to get presents and whether they’ve made any changes to make sure they get their prezzies.

An innovation for 2023, both adults and children will also be able to send WhatsApp voice messages and texts to +41 77 527 29 56, which will then be answered by Santa. The society encouraged people to avoid prank calling or spamming the hotline or WhatsApp number and leave the line open for people who actually want to speak to Santa. Anyone who calls the line for social help will be redirected to the Saint Nicholas Society's charitable wing.

Not too late to send a letter to Santa in Switzerland

Of course, if you or your child would like a personalised response from Santa in English, the Swiss postal service provides a service where children can send letters to Samichlaus - who lives in the forests and mountains of Switzerland, of course. Just send a letter to “Santa Claus” or “Christkind” at Nordpolstrasse 1, Am Nordpol, and you will get a response.

However, be sure to be quick as Swiss Post recommends people send their Santa letters in late November or early December to get a response in time for Christmas. For more information about Santa on WhatsApp, check out the official website.

Jan de Boer


Jan de Boer

Editor for Switzerland at IamExpat Media. Jan studied History at the University of York and Broadcast Journalism at the University of Sheffield. Though born in York, Jan has lived most...

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