Sauna Marathon returns to Switzerland this weekend
On your marks, get set, relax... This weekend will see the return of the Sauna Marathon in Schaffhausen. On January 18, 45 saunas and 20 heated pools and public fountains will be available. to give participants a chance to warm themselves amid the chill of winter.
Sauna Marathon returns to the streets of Schaffhausen
Contrary to what its name suggests, the “sauna marathon is not about speed, but about sociability and enjoyment,” the organisers write on their website. As part of the event, participants are encouraged to visit the warmed pools and saunas at 25 locations dotted around Schaffhausen.
The locations themselves give wellness fans a chance to see all the famous historical sites of the city, from the Munot fortress and old town to the Rhybadi and even the Arenenberg - one of the ships that serve the route between Schaffhausen and Konstanz, which is transformed into a sauna for the event. You’ll also be able to literally immerse yourself in history, as many of the city’s historic public fountains will be heated during the event, turning them into sumptuous warm baths.
Speaking back when the event first began in 2023, Schaffhausen Sauna Marathon Association head Manuel Gruber said that they got the idea from the European Sauna Marathon which takes place in Estonia every year. "Thanks to the sauna in the Rhybadi and the sauna of the Association of Friends of Finland, I think that [Schaffhausen] probably has more sauna-goers than the Swiss average," he joked.
Video: Daniel Preisig / YouTube
How does the Sauna Marathon work?
The start of festivities will begin at 6pm on January 17, when the first of the saunas and baths will be heated up at Fronwagplatz, accompanied by a DJ. The party will then move to the Rhybadi, where participants can dance the night away until 2am.
The full “marathon” will begin at 10am on January 18. Once the starting whistle is blown at Fronwagplatz, participants have until 6pm to visit all the locations; 45 saunas and 20 warm pools are offered at 25 different locations around the city. At 6pm, an official award ceremony will be held at the Orient music club - the dress code? Bathrobe.
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