
[Video] Swiss firm introduces robot security guards

[Video] Swiss firm introduces robot security guards

A robot guard has been deployed by security firm Securitas AG at a number of sites across Switzerland. The autonomous two-wheeled robot was developed by Ascento, a robotics start-up from ETH in Zurich

Robot guards providing enhanced security 

According to Ascento, the robot security guards have been providing enhanced operational efficiency and have added an extra layer of security to sites across Switzerland. The robots have been patrolling several areas across Swiss cantons for the past six months as part of a test phase, including in the public transport sector such as at railway depots. 

The robot uses a combination of bipedal and wheeled movements, with a “head” that houses the robot’s computer, battery, sensors and cloud-based AI. It is capable of travelling across many surfaces, including over obstacles and up a small number of stairs. 

The firm says that by using robot guards, there is less need for so much manpower in the security sector, as the robot can cover large areas that would have required a significant amount of human workers. Now, only one or two guards will be required to oversee security operations in large facilities, thanks to the contribution of robots.

See Switzerland’s robot security guards in action

You can see the robot security guards in action for yourself in this great video:

Video: YouTube / Reuters



Emily Proctor

Former Editor at IamExpat Media.

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